The BEST Year for Nintendo Switch (And the WORST)
Remembering each year of Nintendo's Hybrid hero.
😎 New Blogs Every Wednesday and Saturday! 💵
Hi Everybody! Surprise FNGC Drop for your Wednesday listening pleasure (remember every day can be a Friday if you Believe hard enough). This has been exclusive on Patreon for quite some time since April so on the cusp of posting our Asura's Wrath review over there, and in light of scheduling issues over here, now is the perfect time to let the world know if Rune Factory 4 is good or not!
This episode was so fun and gives a lot of insight into specifically what Will does/doesn't like! Lots of Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley & Cult of the Lamb mentioned so make sure you take the chance to jump in and hear exactly what Will thought of this interesting farming adventure!
Music, Mix & Master by: Daniel Campoli
If you want to reach out to Nick and Will personally to engage with us about the show, follow us on any link here: