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Super Pod Network

Our aim is to empower passionate gamers to create content in a dynamic hub of content. We cultivate a vibrant community through engaging video game podcasts, informative reviews, and insightful blogs, celebrating the vast and ever-evolving world of gaming. 

Dive into our world of in-depth discussions, chill to the best video game music, and hilarious reviews hosted by passionate gamers. SuperPod Network is a showcase for some of the most diverse, colorful, and personality-driven video game podcasts in the market. 

Browse the website, read some blog articles, leave a comment here or there, and become a part of our community. We also have a Discord server and Reddit community that you can join. By showcasing a diverse catalog of podcasts, we hope to have something for everyone.

The Dream Team

Super Pod Network was created by these two fabulous fellas

Aaron Klaassen
Abominable Slug Creature

Gerry Thomas
Radiant Taco Annihilator

After being a guest on each other's shows for quite a while and sharing a love of retro gaming, Gerry approached Aaron with the idea of a retro gaming podcast - and thus Retro Rehab was born! 

Because we work together so well, we decided to create The Super Pod Network and house all of our shows (SuperPod Saga, Super Ghost Radio, and Retro Rehab) under one roof. We also wanted to showcase some of the other cool folks and shows in the indie podcasting community and give everyone a chance to shine!

Join us as we chat about video games of all kinds! Retro, AAA, indie, and anything in-between! Every single episode of each podcast can be found on this site, as well as a blog where we review games, talk about games that we enjoy, and a whole lot more. 

Meet our Hosts

Before you dive into a show, learn a bit about the creative superstars that make them!