Chard's Bottom 5 - Press B Podcast Ep: 242
Press B To Cancel - Video VersionsFebruary 01, 202501:18:53

Chard's Bottom 5 - Press B Podcast Ep: 242

A tradition long over due, this week Sinistar and Jake ask Chard what are five of his least favorite video games of all time. Chard's bottom 5! It can't all be Final Fantasy he hates right?

Time Stamps:
00:00 - Stream Start
01:10 - Opening Line
03:20 - What is this about?
06:05 - Number 5
19:04 - Number 4
26:07 - Number 3
36:00 - Number 2
33:03 - Number 1
1:03:25 - Dishonorable Mentions?

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Press B is a member of the SuperPod Network, a gaming collective of fellow podcasters and shows.

Press B Podcast is a retro gaming weekly show. With over 174 years of gaming experience at our table, our rotating hosts will take you back to your favorite retro games and culture! From the distant 80's to a far flung 65 billion years in the future, come level up, and listen to the Press B to Cancel podcast.

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Special thanks to The Last Ancient for our podcast theme

#podcast #top5 #badgame
retrogaming, retro, videogames, podcast, classicgaming, press b podcast, press b to cancel podcast, top 5, bottom 5, bad games, worst games, personal bad games, final fantasy 8, ff8, fft, final fantasy tactics, destiny 2, breath of the wild, zelda, final fantasy 7 remake, ff7:remake, is final fantasy bad?, is the ff7 remake good?, I don't like breath of the wild, do I have bad taste in games?, Chard loves Circus Charlie but is afraid to admit it but we love him anyway,