Remember 64

Remember 64

A totally tubular journey through the Nintendo 64's library! Join Dave & a slew of awesome guests as they break down the history of the 64-bit era of Nintendo and share memories with friends and fellow nerds along the way! 

Head here for video versions of the chat section of the episodes!
Not ALL episodes will be in this playlist, but any of the ones we have on hand will be uploaded as soon as we can!

Level 58 - Over the Top, Just the Way We Like It
Remember 64February 06, 202501:06:30

Level 58 - Over the Top, Just the Way We Like It

What better way to chat about football than with the wildest version of the sport ever created! Aaron from SuperPod Saga, Dave, and @jiggylookback are playing NFL Blitz! Lets chuck some footballs and ...

Level 57 - Time Travel Exterminators - Body Harvest
Remember 64January 23, 202501:08:09

Level 57 - Time Travel Exterminators - Body Harvest

Dave and Jiggylookback are talking about Body Harvest - an early example of a semi-open world action game that almost got squashed by Nintendo! Find more episodes at and on your po...

Level 56 - Playing Long Enough to Become the Villain
Remember 64January 09, 202501:10:52

Level 56 - Playing Long Enough to Become the Villain

Rare Ltd. and the N64 go together like PB & J. But did you know they also made a kart racer towards the end of the console's lifecycle!? Dave and jiggylookback return after a hiatus to race their way ...

Expansion Pak - A Totally 90's Style Clip Show!
Remember 64July 21, 202400:47:46

Expansion Pak - A Totally 90's Style Clip Show!

We're going totally 90's sitcom this time with a clip show! As life puts new, full episodes on pause for just a bit, here's some select discussions from the podcast! Hear us chat about Wave Race 64, G...

Level 55 - Just Enough of the Bond World with 007 The World is Not Enough
Remember 64July 03, 202401:38:00

Level 55 - Just Enough of the Bond World with 007 The World is Not Enough

This time we're busting out one of the last FPS games to hit the N64: 007: The World is Not Enough. Josh from Still Loading is back on the show to chat all about his love for this game and the film! H...

Level 54 - Gettin' Ringy With It with Superman 64
Remember 64June 13, 202401:01:43

Level 54 - Gettin' Ringy With It with Superman 64

We did it. We played what is often described as one of the worst games of all time... Superman 64. Jake from @PressBtoCancel is back on the show as he joins Dave and @jiggylookback to traverse this ri...