SuperPod Network Q&A: Chatting W/ Gerry

Aaron: To kick things off, tell us about yourself, what you do on the internet, and what your top 3 favorite games are. 

Gerry: I’m Gerry. I make sounds with my mouth on podcasts that sometimes resemble opinions.

Top 3 games is an insane ask, but here goes:
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Super Mario World
Resident Evil 2

Will: Kill, Fuck, Marry: Waluigi, Master Hand, Nathan Drake.

Gerry: K: Nathan F: Waluigi M: Masterhand

Chris:  If you could eat one video game item, what would it be?

Gerry: That big ass M tomato from Kirby

Nomad: Why did you start your podcast and/or become a blogger?

Gerry: Because nobody else would listen to me in my family, that and I want proof someday that I have been preaching how good Goemon is so that it may be recorded in the history books.

RetroMo: What is one of the most emotional, shocking, or profound moments you've experienced in a video game?

Gerry: The end of The Last of Us

Jameson: If you could only keep one console from your collection and one game to go with it, what would it be and why?

Gerry: Nintendo 64 / Super Mario 64

Tommy: If you were forced to name your next child after a video game character, which video game character would you name your child after?

Gerry: Knack

Jake: What is the very first video game you ever played, and how do you feel about it today?

Gerry: Super Mario Bros - still fucks

Tony: What is something from gaming (past or present) that you wish would become a common feature?

Gerry: Timed Hits in RPGs

Thrak: What is your guilty pleasure game? 

Gerry: Sonic 3D Blast

Gerry is the host of Super Ghost Radio and the co-host of SuperPod Saga.

He also makes music on Bandcamp, and has made some intro songs for a few podcasts here in SuperPod Network, like Tommy's Video Game Ride Along, Gaming and Collecting, and Geek Addicts.

You can find all of his stuff here!

Aaron Klaassen
Aaron Klaassen
Co-host / Blogger
Gerry Thomas
Gerry Thomas
Host of Super Ghost Radio | Co-Host Retro Rehab | Co-Host SuperPod Saga