Aaron: To kick things off, tell us about yourself, what you do on the internet, and what your top 3 favorite games are.

Gerry: I’m Gerry. I make sounds with my mouth on podcasts that sometimes resemble opinions.
Top 3 games is an insane ask, but here goes:
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Super Mario World
Resident Evil 2

Will: Kill, Fuck, Marry: Waluigi, Master Hand, Nathan Drake.

Gerry: K: Nathan F: Waluigi M: Masterhand

Chris: If you could eat one video game item, what would it be?

Gerry: That big ass M tomato from Kirby

Nomad: Why did you start your podcast and/or become a blogger?

Gerry: Because nobody else would listen to me in my family, that and I want proof someday that I have been preaching how good Goemon is so that it may be recorded in the history books.

RetroMo: What is one of the most emotional, shocking, or profound moments you've experienced in a video game?

Gerry: The end of The Last of Us

Jameson: If you could only keep one console from your collection and one game to go with it, what would it be and why?

Gerry: Nintendo 64 / Super Mario 64

Tommy: If you were forced to name your next child after a video game character, which video game character would you name your child after?

Gerry: Knack

Jake: What is the very first video game you ever played, and how do you feel about it today?

Gerry: Super Mario Bros - still fucks

Tony: What is something from gaming (past or present) that you wish would become a common feature?

Gerry: Timed Hits in RPGs

Thrak: What is your guilty pleasure game?

Gerry: Sonic 3D Blast
Gerry is the host of Super Ghost Radio and the co-host of SuperPod Saga.
He also makes music on Bandcamp, and has made some intro songs for a few podcasts here in SuperPod Network, like Tommy's Video Game Ride Along, Gaming and Collecting, and Geek Addicts.
You can find all of his stuff here!