SuperPod Network Q&A: Chatting W/ Tony

Aaron: Welcome to SuperPod Network Q&A! To kick things off:

1) Tell us your name and what you do on the internet.
2) Where can people find your cool stuff? (social medias, podcasts, stream, YouTube, etc)
3) What are your top 3 favorite games?

Tony: I'm Tony. I write blogs and blog accessories.

Super Metroid
A Link to the Past
Maniac Mansion

Will: Kill, Fuck, Marry: Waluigi, Master Hand, Nathan Drake.

Tony: Fuck Waluigi, Marry Nathan Drake, Kill Master Hand

Chris:  If you could eat one video game item, what would it be?

Tony: Wall Meat from Castlevania

Nomad: Why did you start your podcast, blog, stream, YouTube, or whatever it is that you do?

Tony: I started my now defunct podcast just for fun and I blog because I have always genuinely enjoyed writing.

RetroMo: What is one of the most emotional, shocking, or profound moments you've experienced in a video game?

Tony: The ending to Silent Hill 2 hit hard when I first played it on PS2 back in the day and was one of the first games I can remember they just left me sitting in front of my TV trying to process everything.

Jameson: If you could only keep one console from your collection and one game to go with it, what would it be and why?

Tony: SNES + Super Metroid. My favorite console of all time and my favorite game of all time.

Tommy: If you were forced to name your next child after a video game character, which video game character would you name your child after?

Tony: Samus from Metroid, because it's a unique name and would only be mildly embarrassing once their friends figure out they were named after a video game character.

Jake: What is the very first video game you ever played, and how do you feel about it today?

Tony: Super Mario Bros on NES, it still holds up well today.

Tony: What is something from gaming (past or present) that you wish would become a common feature?

Tony: Fully customizable controls with shareable layouts, basically Steam Input but for consoles.

Thrak: What is your guilty pleasure game? 

Tony: Virtual Hydlide

Tony frequently writes for SuperPod Network, sharing his love of retro gaming. He also participates in the SuperPod Game Club, often being the first one to beat each month's game.

Check out all of Tony's stuff here:

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Aaron Klaassen
Aaron Klaassen
Co-host / Blogger