Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: TOKU SENTAI

Hey kids! Do you like violence? Want to see me stick a 20 story tall sword through each one of this monster's eye lids? And Zordon said: Zordon's dead, he's locked in my basement!

Now that I got that out of my system, Power Rangers, huh? Premiering back in August 28th, 1993, they took the world by storm. Everyone in the playground was fighting over being the red ranger, but I wanted to be the blue one! Billy was a fucking Chad. He didn't know how to fight, had no confidence and was scared the entire time. Eventually, he became one of the most important members of the team, and that is freaking awesome!

Now fast forward to September 1994 and one of the best beat-em-ups on the SNES came out. It gave you the option to chose between any of the 5 Rangers to tackle 5 different stages and then 2 stages where you play as the almighty Mega Zord and murderize Rita's monsters!

Half-way through each stage, you transform from the Ranger's teenage self's into the iconic Power Rangers, complete with their assigned weapon. What I love about this game is how it plays into beat-em-up tropes in a way that also emphasizes the Ranger's personalities.

  • Jason, The Red Ranger: Is no nonsense, punchy kicking karate by the books character, which really highlights his personality from the show. He has his classic sword and his screen clearing attack is a t-rex who rains fireballs on all the enemies, like nuclear war, but t-rexy.

  • Billy, The Blue Ranger: Is scared, throws punches and kicks while cowering. This is the stereotypical goofy beat-em-up character. When he transforms he has his sick trident. His screen clearing attack is a triceratops that rains ice chunks at all the enemies, like getting pelted with deadly hale.

  • Kimberly, The Pink Ranger: She is Jason's counterpart in the way that she's the no nonsense female character who does karate punches and kicks. When she transforms, she smacks enemies around with her bow, and she can shoot arrows from it too! Her screen clearing attack is a pterodactyl that rains pink crystals, talk about stabby!

  • Trini, The Yellow Ranger: A speed running favorite. She has quick attacks that make quick work of the enemies. She has her sick sai when she transforms. Her screen clearing attack is a sabertooth tiger that shoots mother fucking lightning at enemies, talk about shocking.

  • Zack, The Black Ranger: He has sick dance like fighting moves. When he transforms, he has his axe! His screen clearing attack is a mastodon that rains rocks at the enemies, rock and roll!

As much as I love playing as Zack, I hate his character design. It's incredibly problematic, not to mention that the casting people decided to make the only black kid, the black Ranger. Not to talk about Trini. Seriously, what the fuck?

This game is relatively short, has fun combat, and decent platforming. And the music? Holy fuck, the music is insane! Every single song in the game is bop, from the start screen Power Rangers theme rendition, to the final song during the last boss fight. If you haven't played this game ever, or played it at some point in your life, go back to it. Play it again. It's fantastic and you owe it to your kid self to play it.

Chris Dominguez
Chris Dominguez