Remember when consoles came in all sorts of different colors and flavors? While the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S have both been stuck with plain black or white, the Switch has gotten plenty of sweet variants. But back in the good old days, consoles had all sorts of cool colors, transparent variants, variants based off of properties like movies or games, and a whole lot more.
Let's take a look at 6 of my favorites. Just for fun, we'll see how much they cost now.
Dreamcast - Code: Veronica

Image source: eBay | Listing price: $1,999.99
Sold only in Japan, the Resident Evil - Code: Veronica variant of the Sega Dreamcast was limited to ONLY 1,800 UNITS! There was a S.T.A.R.S. console sold alongside it that was even more limited - to just 200 units.
This gorgeous transparent red and gray console came with a matching controller, gray VMU, and a special copy of the game with some extra goodies. I'm such a sucker for transparent technology.
PS2 - Golden

Image source: eBay | Listing price: $149.99
Luckily, this one won't set you back very far. For only 150 smackers, you can get this delicious, velvety, golden PS2 console. But that's JUST the console and what's included in the image.
This console came in a Japan-only bundle that included two matching gold controllers, a vertical stand, a cool Gundam sticker for your memory card, and a copy of Mobile Suit Z-Gundam: AEUG versus Titans.
This console variant just feels right, considering the PS2 is the current king of consoles.
Xbox 360 - Star Wars

Image source: Consolevariations.com | Listing price: $269. 95
USE THE FORCE or something like that.
Insane that this one ever came into existence. This included the C3PO controller, R2D2 console, and a copy of Kinect Star Wars.
A friend of mine used to have this one and I was so jealous.
N64 - Jungle Green

Image source: eBay | Listing price: $139.99
Remember when I mentioned that I'm a sucker for transparent hardware? I'm especially a sucker for green. It's my favorite color!
While this one is a lot more common than other variations in this article or even for the console, this one is still exquisite. The N64 had so many cool transparent color options. The late 90's to early 2000's were the golden years for this type of thing.
Xbox - Conker: Live and Reloaded

Image source: Xbox Wiki | Listing price: N/A
Now we're getting into some Rare shit (get it? Rare, the dev and rare as in "hard to find").
This one was given away at a Conker: Live and Reloaded tournament and there were approximately 1-50 of these that were manufactured. I wasn't able to find any on eBay unfortunately. This one is INSANELY hard to find.
I really love the Conker logo on the top and the weird drawing of Conker peeking through the tear on the top.
3DS - Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Image source: eBay | Listing price: $450.00
Okay, maybe I like gold more than I like green. But this one is SUBLIME.
I'm a really huge fan of the 3DS, and on more than one occasion I've debated on picking one of these up. Sadly, it's pretty pricey nowadays.
But just look at it! It's beautiful!
What do you think? What are your favorite console variants?
Let me know in the comments below, because I'd love to hear!