I downloaded BattleBit Remastered a couple of nights ago and played two matches. In those two matches I laughed more than I have at any game this year and all I can think about is going back to play more.
If you're unaware, BattleBit Remastered is a multiplayer shooter for PC from developers SgtOkiDoki, The Liquid Horse, MrOkiDoki, and Vilaskis that is exploding in popularity right now.
Imagine in your head a typical Battlefield-like game, but with Roblox-like graphics, and your ears filled with a mix of other people comically and dramatically role playing soldiers, screaming nonsense, and blaring soundboard effects.
The absolute number one selling point of BattleBit and the feature that gives me the most joy is the proximity voice chat. The game features matches of up to 254 players and you can hear each and every one of them when nearby. Each match starts with each player on a team spawning at THE SAME POINT on the map. The pre-match screaming from up 127 players is frankly hilarious.
At one point I was able to spawn on a teammate who managed to climb on top of a water tower. Within seconds, dozens and dozens of other players were spawning on the spot. There simply wasn't enough room for us all, so players were accidentally falling off the tower to their death, complete with screaming into their microphones. Eventually the enemy team blew up the base of the water tower and we ALL fell to our deaths. I don't know the last time I've heard so many people laugh so much in a video game.
One time I revived a teammate and as he rose up to his feet, I heard the distinctive Taco Bell *Dong* from his body. The soldier then ran off into battle playing the Fox Sports NFL jingle on repeat, fading into the distance.
Beyond the absurdity of the proximity voice chat, one of the most shocking things about playing the game is how surprisingly deep the mechanics and features of the game are. BattleBit is not a pretty game to look at, but what's underneath the surface is unbelievable.
Dozens of guns with dozens of attachments. Fully drivable vehicles. Fully destructible environments. Unique movement and intractability with teammates. Almost everything you could want in a multiplayer shooter is actually here. It defies all reason that a game that looks like this plays like it does.
Shockingly, once you pay the $15 price tag for the game, you get everything. There are no microtransactions of any kind. No battle pass. No skins for purchase. No exp boosts. Everything in the game is yours. It's so refreshing!
BattleBit Remastered is special. It looks like ass, but playing it provides so much comedy gold. I can't wait to jump back in and experience more joyful chaos.