Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden – A Hauntingly Immersive Adventure - Backlog Bloggery

The concept of banishing ghosts has deep roots in human history, intersecting with religion, folklore, and cultural practices across the world. The belief in ghosts, spirits of the dead that remain among the living, is virtually universal, and methods to banish or appease these entities vary widely across different cultures and eras.

In ancient civilizations, the practice of banishing ghosts was often intertwined with religious and spiritual rituals. For example, in ancient Egypt, the deceased were buried with grave goods and provided with elaborate funerary rites to ensure their spirits would pass peacefully into the afterlife. The Egyptians believed that restless spirits, called Akh, could return to harm the living, and thus, spells and protective amulets were employed to safeguard against such entities.

Similarly, in ancient Greece, the Greeks practiced protective rituals to protect themselves from the spirits of the dead. They believed that certain spirits, particularly those who had died violently or were improperly buried, could become restless and malevolent. To banish these spirits, the Greeks would conduct purification rituals, offer sacrifices, and use specific incantations. The Anthesteria festival, for instance, was a time when the souls of the dead were believed to visit the living, and the Greeks would use rituals to appease and then send these spirits back to the underworld.

The Roman Empire also had its own ghost-banishing practices. The Lemuria festival, held in May, was a time when Romans believed that the spirits of the dead, known as lemures, would return to haunt the living. During this festival, householders would perform rituals to exorcise these spirits, including throwing black beans over their shoulders and striking bronze pots to make noise that would scare away the ghosts.

Moving forward to the medieval period in Europe, the Christian church played a significant role in the development of ghost-banishing practices. The belief in purgatory and the need for the dead to atone for their sins before reaching heaven led to the idea that restless souls might wander the earth. Exorcisms became a key method for banishing these spirits, often performed by priests using holy water, crucifixes, and specific prayers. The Rituale Romanum, a manual of rites and rituals for the Roman Catholic Church, included detailed instructions on how to perform an exorcism to banish evil spirits.

In contemporary times, the belief in ghosts and the methods to banish them persist, often blending ancient practices with modern interpretations. Paranormal investigations, the use of technology like EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) recorders, and the continued use of religious rites demonstrate the enduring human concern with the supernatural and the desire to maintain harmony between the living and the dead.

Overall, the history of banishing ghosts reflects a deep-seated human fear of the unknown and the afterlife, showcasing a rich tapestry of cultural responses aimed at maintaining spiritual balance and protecting the living from the unseen forces of the departed.

But you may ask how does this relate to gaming? Well, the practices that I talked about above set the groundwork and foundation for the narrative of the game that I have recently beaten: Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden.

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden is an action role-playing game developed by Don’t Nod and published by Focus Entertainment released in February 2024 on all contemporary systems (except the Switch). Set in an eerie, supernatural world where the living and the dead coexist in a precarious balance. The game follows the journey of two main characters, Antea Duarte and Red Mac Raith, who are part of an elite group known as the Banishers. Their mission is to protect the living from the malevolent spirits that haunt the realm of New Eden.

The plot kicks off with Antea and Red being romantically involved as well as partners in their ghost-hunting duties. Tragedy strikes when Antea is fatally wounded during a mission and becomes one of the very spirits she once fought against. This devastating event transforms their mission and relationship, setting the stage for a deeply emotional and personal quest. Red, now burdened with guilt and sorrow, is determined to find a way to bring Antea back to life, or at the very least, prevent her from turning into a malevolent ghost.

As Red navigates this dangerous path, he encounters various characters, each with their own stories and connections to the spirit world. Some of these characters are allies who provide assistance and guidance, while others are antagonists who pose significant threats. The game intricately weaves their stories into the main narrative, adding layers of complexity and depth.

The setting of New Eden itself is richly detailed, blending elements of a colonial frontier with dark, supernatural undertones. The landscape is dotted with haunted forests, abandoned settlements, and ancient ruins, all of which are teeming with restless spirits. These environments are not just backdrops but play a crucial role in the unfolding story, often serving as battlegrounds for intense confrontations with ghostly foes.

Throughout the game, Red's internal struggle is a central theme. He grapples with his sense of duty as a Banisher, his love for Antea, and the moral dilemmas that arise from dealing with the undead. This emotional conflict is mirrored in the game's mechanics, where players must make choices that impact the story's outcome. These decisions can lead to multiple endings, each reflecting the player's actions and the moral choices they made along the way.

The relationship between Red and Antea evolves as they face numerous challenges together. Despite being a ghost, Antea remains an active participant in their quest, offering her spectral abilities to aid Red in combat and puzzle-solving. This dynamic adds a unique layer to the gameplay, as players must balance using Antea's powers while managing the risks of her ghostly nature.

As the plot progresses, the mystery of Antea's condition unfolds, revealing a larger conspiracy involving ancient rituals and powerful entities that transcend the human and spirit worlds. Red and Antea uncover secrets that challenge their understanding of life, death, and the nature of the spirits they hunt. The climax of the game brings them face-to-face with these powerful forces, culminating in a final confrontation that tests their resolve and the strength of their bond.

As players progress, they can upgrade the abilities and skills of both protagonists. Red’s combat skills and weaponry can be enhanced to improve his effectiveness in battle, while Antea’s ghostly powers can be expanded to offer new strategies and solutions to both combat and environmental puzzles. The customization options allow players to tailor the gameplay to their preferred style, whether it’s focusing on brute strength, magical prowess, or a balanced approach.

The game does suffer from open world fatigue, a common issue in many expansive games today. Despite its captivating premise and richly designed world, I found myself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of content and the repetitive nature of side quests and activities. The vast map, while visually stunning, can feel like a chore to traverse, with lengthy travel times and an overabundance of collectibles that distract from the main storyline. A fast travel system present through campfires eases this at points; however traversal to the different campsites can be onerous at time. This dilution of focus and the pressure to engage with every facet of the game world can lead to a sense of tedium and burnout, diminishing the overall enjoyment and immersion for players seeking a more streamlined and engaging experience.

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden is a standout title that combines the best elements of action-RPGs with deep narrative storytelling. The synergy between Red and Antea’s abilities offers a fresh take on combat and exploration, while the impactful choices and character development ensure that the player’s journey is both personal and memorable.

Adam Forrester
Adam Forrester