Aaron looks back on his Top 10 Games of 2022

I'm copying Tommy's idea. The year 2022 was weird for me. There weren't a whole lot of new games that grabbed me, unlike 2023. I can't believe how BANGIN' 2023 has been. But as 2023 settles down and we prepare for all of the awesome games coming in 2024, I'm pretty excited to see how my tastes change again in a year.

Let's look back at Aaron's Top 10 Games of 2022. Put on your hindsight goggles and prepare for present Aaron to cruelly insult past Aaron for his dumb choices.


10) Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Ayyyy, this one was a great pick! The game is much better shape now. All of those dumb, unfair cards have been banned and the game is way more balanced. Fuck you, True King of all Calamities. Since 2022, I've gotten much better at the game, traps are slowly making their way back into the game, I've created much better decks, and I still come back to it every so often and beat the piss out of some ranked players. I even made it to platinum rank in the summer!
9.) Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamer Edition

Oh hell yeah, now we're talking. I actually beat the game earlier in 2023. I think I stopped to play something else and then picked this back up and remembered how much the game rules and then beat it. They even updated it earlier this year so that the frame rate is much better and fixed quite a few other things. It's in much better shape and is now the definitive version of the game. 

8.) Cult of the Lamb

I really miss this game. From the dreary, gloomy atmosphere to the cute sounds your cult members would make when they do literally anything. I'm still not big on the combat. Hitboxes still seem insanely cheap, dodging is still slippery, and I still hate that your members get mad at you when you die. But the cult management simulation is still very addictive. I think I'll give it another shot sometime. Maybe. 
7.) Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
This game had SOOOO MUCH POTENTIAL. The normal campaign was pretty good, there were so many ways to customize your characters, and the new guns and spells were really cool. But man, that post-game was so weak. I mean, it was kind-of cool. It was a borderline roguelike where you jump into a portal, shoot guys, complete missions, and then get out. I haven't touched it since I stopped playing it last year. RIP.
6.) Loop Hero
This came to Switch in December 2021, so it counts. Sweet mercy did I enjoy this game. After figuring out a good rhythm to the mechanics and building more stuff in town, I got all the way to the final boss and died. Boy, was it tough. Another one I'd come back to. 
5.) Omori
Bro, I was waiting for this one to come to Switch for SO LONG. Bought this on day one, baby. It definitely did not disappoint. I remember attempting to get a second ending, but stopped. If you like short RPG's, definitely check this one out.
4.) SteamWorld Dig 2
An oldie, but a goodie. With the exception of Steamworld Build (haven't played it yet) the Steamworld series just does not disappoint. It's still one of the best metroidvanias that I've had the pleasure of playing. Another short one - only around 10 hours. Great fucking soundtrack and the story flows right into Steamworld Heist, which I absolutely ADORE.
3.) Triangle Strategy
Hey, another one that I beat this year! This game was so so so good. Great story that changes depending on the many choices that you make, great characters that all feel so unique to play and so unique in regards to their personality and mannerisms, and the meaty, satisfying combat all wrapped-up in that GORGEOUS HD2D art style. UNFFFFF.
2.) Vampire Survivors
Still addicted. Still great. STILL NO VAMPIRES. NEXT.
1.) Dicey Dungeons: Reunion DLC
Really, past Aaron? Dicey Dungeons was better than Vampire Survivors, Triangle Strategy, or Chrono Cross? I mean, yeah, the game and DLC are good, but I don't know if they're GOTY good. THAT'S NOT EVEN A FULL GAME, YOU IDIOT. 
Aaron Klaassen
Aaron Klaassen
Co-host / Blogger