SuperPod Network Q&A: Chatting W/ Beth

Aaron: Welcome to SuperPod Network Q&A! To kick things off:

1) Tell us your name and what you do on the internet.
2) Where can people find your cool stuff? (social medias, podcasts, stream, YouTube, etc)
3) What are your top 3 favorite games?

Beth: I’m one third of Super Ghost Radio, a very unserious video game podcast. My top three games are Tales of the Abyss, Kingdom Hearts 2, and Pokemon Heart Gold

Will: Kill, Fuck, Marry: Waluigi, Master Hand, Nathan Drake.

Beth: Kill Master Hand, Fuck Waluigi, Marry Nathan Drake

Chris:  If you could eat one video game item, what would it be?

Beth: I’m not sure why but Katamari Damacy. I feel like it would taste like candy

Nomad: Why did you start your podcast, blog, stream, YouTube, or whatever it is that you do?

Beth: Cause I love video games, talking about them and chatting with friends and others who feel the same

RetroMo: What is one of the most emotional, shocking, or profound moments you've experienced in a video game?

Beth: The whole ending of Final Fantasy 15. It broke my heart over and over but it was also so beautiful

Jameson: If you could only keep one console from your collection and one game to go with it, what would it be and why?

Beth: I’ll keep my PS5 and Kingdom Hearts All-in-One Package

Tommy: If you were forced to name your next child after a video game character, which video game character would you name your child after?

Beth: Kainé from Nier

Jake: What is the very first video game you ever played, and how do you feel about it today?

Beth: Pokémon Blue and I still am a fan of the game and the series!

Tony: What is something from gaming (past or present) that you wish would become a common feature?

Beth: I’m sure if this is too general but things have fuck with the way you have to think about a story in a way only games can do. For example, having to delete your save in Automata to help others

Thrak: What is your guilty pleasure game? 

Beth: I don’t believe in guilty pleasure, I don’t think you should feel bad for enjoying something but for the sake of the question I’ll say any Otome game I’ve played

Beth is one of three hosts of Super Ghost Radio, and loves Pokemon, JRPGs, and staying as far away from social media as possible.

Go check her out in Super Ghost Radio wherever you get podcasts!

If you'd like to be featured in a Q&A, consider joining our discord server to take the questionnaire!

Aaron Klaassen
Aaron Klaassen
Co-host / Blogger